PUF-based Solutions
Today, as software defines an increasing amount of our daily lives, the need to protect the hardware behind it has never been greater. Securing data-at-rest, in-transit, and in-use has become standardized across the industry, making hardware security essential throughout a chip’s lifespan, from fabrication to end of life.
PUFsecurity is a subsidiary of eMemory and is dedicated to innovating PUF-based security solutions. By leveraging our technical acumen and achievements, including core IPs such as NeoPUF and OTP from eMemory, PUFsecurity brings PUF-based security to the market.
Our ‘drop-in’ integrated IP security blocks combine analog and digital designs to provide a true Hardware Root of Trust unparalleled in the market today. We have streamlined the key management process, removing additional enrollment costs, enhancing chip protection, and providing comprehensive, compatible security for the next generation of semiconductors.
NeoPUF is embedded as the foundation for root-of-trust, root key or static entropy pool
Traditional HSM solutions transformed into tiny chip IPs help clients cut substantial costs
Complete embedded solutions are easily adopted into existing systems
Designs include comprehensive anti-tamper circuitry and countermeasures
Here at PUFsecurity, the latest solutions include Secure OTP, Hardware Root-of-Trust Module (PUFrt), Secure Crypto Coprocessor (PUFcc), and Flash Protection Series. PUFsecurity can quickly offers PUF-based security IP solutions with superior performance and cost-efficiency in the wide range of technology platforms with eMemory’s technology support.
Secure OTP
Tamperproof Storage
Safeguarded anti-fuse OTP memory delivering data at rest protection by combining physical macros and digital RTL alongside a controller and a resilient anti-tamper shell.
Root of Trust
Hardware root key generation and storage that never leaves the chip including a TRNG, UID, Secure OTP, and a resilient anti-tamper shell.
Crypto Coprocessor
Crypto Cryptography Engine combining both digital and analog IPs. It provides key generation, key storage, and a complete crypto engine as a single drop-in IP block.
Embedded flash protection with a Hardware Root of Trust and RC6/AES-lite Crypto Engine
External NAND flash protection, designed to secure stored assets with a local key from PUF
External NOR flash protection solution that supports real-time decryption and execution in place
Latest News
Technical Document
- 解決先進應用晶片的挑戰: 兼顧安全與可靠度的創新記憶體(SRAM)修復技術
- Optimal OTP for Advanced Node and Emerging Applications
- Safeguarding the Arm Ecosystem with PSA Certified PUF-based Crypto Coprocessor
- Why Hardware Root of Trust Needs Anti-Tampering Design
- PUFrt: Solving Chip Security’s Weakest Link
- How PUF-based RoT Can Solve IoT Security Issues
- Silicon-proven NVM & Security Solutions to Support Evolution of Modern Automotive
- Keeping Digital Assets Safe: PUF-based Security Solutions for Flash Memory
- PUFcc: The PUF-based Hardware Root-of-Trust for Secure Supply Chains
- PUFcc: A PUFrt-based Secure Co-processor
- Security Applications Using True Hardware RoT: PUFrt
- PUFrt: A True PUF-based Hardware Root-of-Trust